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  • svgAug 29, 2019Interviews

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    The creators of Garden Paws gave us the scoop on their upcoming new game, Potion Paws.

    We here at myPotatoGames have been huge fans of Garden Paws, as you can probably tell from our Steam review here, and many post updates here. We’ve poured hours into this simulation game, so when the developers of Bitten Toast Games announced during their Twitch live-stream a few days ago that they’ve been working on another game, we were very intrigued. Dan and Kristina showed us a surprisingly spooky yet adorable game they’ve been working on alongside Garden Paws and we couldn’t be happier.

    Their new game is going to be a lot simpler and shorter with a Kickstarter coming in early September and a release date on Steam before Halloween this year. Don’t worry though, they’ll still be working on the Nintendo Switch release for Garden Paws for this December! We wanted to share with the rest of you all the details of the new potion-making, dungeon-crawling, and magical game via an interview with some of the greatest game developers we know!

    Q&A with Dan and Kristina of Bitten Toast Games

    What inspired you to make this particular game with a spooky theme?

    Kristina: It’s something I wanted to do for a long time. I like the idea of creepy monsters dropping creepy stuff like eyeballs or tentacles. Halloween is around the corner and I love Halloween.  We plan on releasing this game before then. We also wanted to push ourselves to play with particles and more special effects. We’re always trying to push ourselves to be better.

    Inside Your House

    Have you decided on a title for your new game? I know you were thinking Potion Paws?

    Kristina: Potions Paws is the title, I love the alliteration. Also, Spooky Paws was taken.

    Do you have a date in mind for your Kickstarter campaign?

    Kristina: We are aiming to start the Kickstarter September 5th, where we’ll also be releasing a free demo.

    Is Potion Paws related to Garden Paws? Do they share the same universe?

    Kristina: It does share the same universe as Garden Paws. Based on the art style, you can tell they share the same ‘verse. You might see a familiar character from Florens too as caravan merchant.

    Dan: Some items will cross over from both games.

    Kristina: We’re introducing new features to Potion Paws like expanding the world around you by purchasing land, carrying heavy items that can’t fit in your inventory and combat via potions.

    You mentioned we will see a familiar character from Garden Paws, will there be new villagers to meet in Potion Paws?

    Kristina: No new characters, no. The idea behind this game is that you are a hermit away from civilization, slowly purchasing more land. Being solo lets the player immerse themselves in their work.

    What kind of potions will we be able to craft?

    Kristina: For potions we have some basics ones but also some really silly creative ones.

    Dan: Some potions make you smaller/bigger, some turn you into animals, some confuse. We’re currently taking ideas from the Twitch community because we like including people. We started a spreadsheet with all of the ideas.

    Kristina: We are going to hide some puzzles into the game for new potions. Potions are going to be very useful against monsters as well. You are an apothecary but you’ll be doing some fighting.

    Craftable Potions

    So there will be fighting in this game?

    Kristina: You can battle if you like but you can play the whole game without fighting at all, you can just sneak around them. But using potions to attack monsters will get you some extra loot. If you see items in the dungeon that you want, you have to physically carry the items out and not get spotted.

    What kind of items can we get from Potion Paws for Garden Paws?

    Kristina: If you buy Potion Paws, you will get the crossover items for Garden Paws. There’s a furniture set, a cauldron, a skull, a skull carpet, things that are generally not seen in Garden Paws. There are also stacks of books with bookcases, and a pretty decent pile of stuff like that. We will be adding one pet as a crossover item as well, a cute spooky ghost cat that you can ride. It will be a variation of something we will have in Potion Paws, just as a bonus for supporting our Kickstarter. We wanted to make this game separate from Garden Paws because there are probably a lot of aspects people will not like in terms of spooky stuff like cobwebs. We didn’t want to force scary stuff on people if they didn’t want that.

    Pet Ghost Cat

    In your stream there will be very adorable sheep in Potion Paws, will there be any other animals?

    Kristina: There will be sheep in the game. We just made a penguin that will be in Garden Paws and Potion Paws along with its snow habitat. So in Potion Paws there will be cows, sheep, and penguins.

    Early Look at Snow Habitat and Player Character Penguin

    What can we expect in these new parts of land that we can unlock?

    Kristina: Specific zones might have pumpkin patches, fireflies and even ponds that you can harvest items from like fish skeletons and frog legs. There’s another area with a spooky tree where you have to harvest from a crow’s nest. But there are also secret areas that you can only access with a shrink or jump potion. It gives you a drive to keep unlocking zones.

    What are the main focus points of Potion Paws? So far we have dungeons, crafting, potion-making.

    Kristina: There will also be a cooking station where you create recipes as well. You can unlock more recipes and more of the land around you for more ingredients.

    Cooking Recipes

    How long will the game actually be? Will there be a story or an end goal?

    Kristina: It’s a bit smaller of a game than Garden Paws but we think it will still be a lot of fun. The end goal would be to unlock all of the upgrades. For example: a desert station and transformation potions. As for gameplay, we’re going to be putting our demo on Discord for free before the Kickstarter and based on how long it will take everyone, we’ll be able to know roughly how long the game lasts. It will probably give a solid few hours. We’re hoping to add enough items so that you can make a spooky house in Garden Paws and unlock new content for that game.

    What kind of character do we get to play and will there be any customization?

    Kristina: Not much customization because it is very time-consuming to develop but we did create a slight variation of the fox from Garden Paws that has a smaller face and bigger ears. So it will look a little more like a cat. A cross between a fox and a cat. We added the fox tail to it too which is bushy. There won’t be any skin customization or clothing as we need to go back to Garden Paws because we plan to release it on the Switch in December. There’s a chance you can play this on the Switch too. It would be a good place for it, it’s a great console.

    It seems you love to play your own game. What kind of other games do you both enjoy and playing?

    Dan: I play a lot of Night of the Full Moon and Dungeon Defenders. It’s tower defense game I put a lot of hours into. I love dungeon games and rogue-like games

    Kristina: I play Animal Crossing and other chill farming games but also play shooters. I love the multiplayer aspect of games. Portal Knights is another good one, My Time at Portia is super fun. It’s funny because we are very different gamers Dan and I. I enjoy grinding and farming, and he likes dungeon games. Our goal was to make a game we can play together so we incorporated both things in Garden Paws.

    What sort of projects do you have in mind going forward? Once you’ve released Garden Paws on the Nintendo Switch that is.

    Kristina: We’re always going to be making games. I have ideas for more continuations of Garden Paws that we’ll be announcing in December.

    Dan: We’re also going to be using the Steam Workshop in Garden Paws so people can make their own quests for people. I’m really excited about the Workshop.

    What other things to you still have left to add in Garden Paws?

    Kristina: We’ll be wrapping up the story in Garden Paws, basically signaling to the players that they are done the main story.  Frank will be able to build you a Tardis-like house (bigger on the inside), we need to add fruit trees and berry bushes, as well as winter games and decorations. We need to add more levels to the dungeon where our goal is to have 100 procedural levels. You’ll see in the dungeon now that there are nine doors used to access those areas. We’re working on another island to add but we’re going to change that up from what you saw on our Twitch Stream. It’s going to be one of the treasure islands that you can explore. We’re adding more creatures too, like a dragon on that island.

    New Jewelry Workstation

    Save the Date!

    Make sure to mark September 5th, 2019 on your calendar for the Kickstarter of Potion Paws, giveaways, and to celebrate with the developers and friends via an online community event! We’ll have more screenshots and information for you going forward! You can also follow and help support Potions Paws and Garden Paws by going to the Bitten Toast Games official website or their social media pages such as: Facebook, Discord, and Twitter.

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  • svgAug 17, 2019News

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    Games that defy genre are increasing. Eastshade belongs to the wave of games that make you question their classification. Published earlier this year, Eastshade is amazingly beautiful. And if it must be placed in a genre, then it’s probably a walking simulator.

    You play as a wandering artist. Explore the world extensively, and even stop to paint pictures of anything that catches your eye. You can paint for yourself, and you can even take commissions and paint what is requested of you. (Though the painting mechanic is more like taking pictures.) Eastshade feels like it’s much more than just a walking simulator.

    Eastshade is full of NPCs who are full of their own interests. They can give you quests. They even have branching dialogue chains, so what they say is dependent on how you speak to them. What’s more is that the game remembers your previous actions. Characters you meet will respond to you based on the actions you have been taking all along. Quests will be available depending on what you have unlocked, so the potential for more than one play through the game is high.

    Key Features

    • A peaceful open-world exploration-adventure full of character.
    • Compose paintings anywhere in the world and offer them to the locals to unlock secrets and gain items.
    • Acquire crafting materials and schematics to surmount obstacles and solve quests.
    • Make friends along the way through fully-voiced dynamic conversations and unlockable topics.

    Your actions will impact the world around you in Eastshade. You gather materials and help people in need. You can even create solutions that will allow you to explore the world more fully. Some areas of the world are unexplored because of natural impasses, but you will be able to find ways to surmount them. (And boldly go where no one has gone before!)

    Eastshade is currently available on Steam, and while no firm plans have been announced, the developers are still considering other platforms. We hope Eastshade will spread to as many platforms as possible so that it can reach the biggest audience! You can also visit the developer’s official site.

    If you can’t play Eastshade on Steam, why not try a game like Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles or My Time at Portia? They’re all quite different from each other, but all allow you to explore a beautiful world at your own pace. Yonder and Portia are also available on Steam as well as almost all current-gen consoles.

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  • svgJul 10, 2019News

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    The classic franchise takes on a whole new look in Turok: Escape From Lost Valley.

    We at myPotatoGames don’t usually cover games that have a heavy focus on violence. Light combat is okay on occasion (we make exceptions for games like Stardew Valley and My Time at Portia), but we tend to stay away from first-person shooters and the like. However, the new graphic style in Escape From Lost Valley is just too adorable not too mention. This new title fully shifts the series into an entirely new genre. It is as though the creators of Turok met the creators of “Road Not Taken” (a cute title from the makers of Minekos Night Market), and decided to make a game together.


    Trading in the old style of fast paced FPS with unique weaponry, this Turok is now a third-person action/adventure game. They have turned away from the ultra graphic violence style and dawned a more charming visage. In Turok: Escape From Lost Valley, you awake as the original protagonist that the game is named after. You must explore the lands and fight dinosaurs along side your trusted companion, Andar. The ultimate goal being finding your way back home. Although the game has been cute-ified quite a bit, you can still expect plenty of dinosaur fighting combat reminiscent of old.

    Escape From Lost Valley Trailer

    Turok: Escape From Lost Valley was developed by Pillow Pig Games (who you can follow on Twitter by clicking here), and will be released on Steam on July 25th.

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  • svgJun 30, 2019News

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    Nanokin is a charming turn based RPG that will tug the heart strings.

    Some of our favorite titles here at MPG are adventure RPG’s, like Breathe of the Wild and My Time at Portia. Nothing quite compares to the feeling we get when we embody a hero to partake on grand adventures and discover new lands. Well, it appears that another great adventure is currently being created by the team at Studio Anjin. Explore a wonderfully vibrant and expansive world and enjoy awesome turn based combat in Nanokin.

    About Nanokin.

    The developers have described the gameplay as being akin to the Xenoblade and Wild Arms series with a touch of Banjo Kazooie and A Hat in Time. The land in which the game takes place is called Nanoverse. The land is full of cool and kooky creatures called Nanokin. These eponymous beings are capture-able and customizable. From what the developers have been willing to release so far, it seems that the customization of the creatures will feature nearly endless combinations.

    The developers put a heavy focus on uniting the beautifully styled graphics with the story-line, to give the player an emotional experience that they will remember. As described by the developers themselves, this will be an experience of childhood wonderment and nostalgia. We certainly can’t wait to find out more about Nanokin!

    More information.

    For more information on this currently-in-production title, be sure to check out the dev log on their reddit page by clicking here. You can also follow the developers on Twitter by clicking here. For more information about the team at Studio Anjin, I recommend hopping over their website by clicking here. There is also word of a kickstarter in the future, so we will be sure to keep an extra close eye on this one.

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  • svgJun 28, 2019News

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    Steam Summer Sale started on June 25th, 2019 and will end July 9th, 2019. So many titles are 30%, 50%, and even 75% off including some of our favorite indie games! Below is a list of 20 games we have talked about fairly recently you might be interested in, if you haven’t already played them. Click on the links provided to learn more about the games or to help you decide if you want to wait until they release on other platforms such as the Nintendo Switch. Note that all of the prices listed are in Canadian dollars.

    Join the Steam Grand Prix

    Along with the reduced prices of games, Steam is also holding a contest of sorts. Basically you play some participating Steam games and earn points through achievements. Winners will get free games that are listed at the top of their Wishlist. See below for details or go to the Steam Grand Prix page here.

    Welcome to the summer event you’ve been training for, the 2019 Steam Grand Prix! Team up with friends to complete quests, earn personal rewards, and race to the finish each day of the Summer Sale. Be sure to update your Wishlist before you put the pedal to the metal, as the very best drivers will be awarded their Most Wished For games throughout the event.

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  • svgJun 4, 2019News

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    Fable 4 details were leaked by a Reddit user, and include some features we are super excited about!


    Immersing ourselves deep in the story of an open-world role playing game is one of the best parts about being a gamer. Become whoever you want and shape the world around you to your liking. All of your deeds reflecting on the community, changing your atmosphere in cool and sometimes surprising ways. The Fable series has been at the top of the RPG list since the release of its original title on September 14th, 2004. With the leak of possible details surrounding the imminent reveal at E3, it appears that will be living the Fable dream once again with Fable 4.

    The rundown…

    A “Fable 4” has apparently been in the works for some time now, and will make an appearance very soon. The supposed details that were given mentioned that the game will take place in neither Albion nor Aurora. Instead, these lands have been destroyed by an asteroid. The game will also be a completely open world, instead of the old individually rendered zones like the original title.

    Thanks to some time-travel shenanigans, there will no longer be guns available, just like in the first game. However, there will finally be an online option, so we can explore this brave new world together. Hopefully we will get to travel all the way back to the days of being the chicken chaser, and spend a few hours exploring all the different places and things to kick chickens at. It was also rumored that Fable 4 will feature town building, just one more added bonus that we are a bit overly excited about!

    The exact reddit post…

    • First/Third Person
    • In Depth character creator
    • Completely Open
    • No guns
    • Can ignore main quest and never become a hero
    • Players can build towns, ties into main quest heavily if you get the bad ending and fail
    • Multiplayer
    • Unreal Engine

    Albion and Aurora are gone. “Lands reduced to fables.” The Spire was rebuilt and used by a mad king to wish that an asteroid would strike the planet. He also wished it would happen again in the far future. Eons later and everything is new (medieval themed, new continents) and you have to stop the destruction of the planet again. Theresa and a Heroes Guild are preserved on another planet via a demon door. Time Travel heavily involved in play. Jack of Blades returns. “

    We will have more details as they are released with our coverage of this years E3 conference. For more information about the E3 conference, check out the official website by clicking here. For more open world RPG goodness, it’s always fun to check out My Time at Portia on myPotatoGames.


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  • svgMay 1, 2019News

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    Automachef is an indie puzzle game in which you will have to build automatic kitchens for a robotic fast food tycoon who believes he’s a human. Automachef will be releasing for PC and Nintendo Switch in Q3 2019. This game is developed by Hermes Interactive and published by Team17 (My Time at Portia and Overcooked). Prepare yourself to become a masterful kitchen manager and wishlist it on Steam!

    Robert Person is the name of the robot…we mean human…that will guide you and offer you help throughout the levels. You can choose from dozens of different machines to build your automatic kitchen in exactly the way you want. For example, conveyor belts, robotic arms, splitters, computers, gates and much more! Automachef features computers you can program in assembly code, or using a simple visual editor, to make other machines, such as robotic arms or ingredients dispensers.

    Our very trusty “human” friend Robert Person

    The game features 30 campaign levels, 10 bonus levels, three exciting game modes, dozens of different recipes to prepare (i.e. cheeseburgers, salads, hot dogs), special events, disasters, and more! The three modes in Automachef are: the Campaign Mode, building a business in Contracts Mode and practicing your builds or playing freely in Test Site Mode. Furthermore, if you have created the perfect production line, you can save your plans as blueprints to use in future kitchens!

    Filling out orders with your production line

    Key Features

    • Plan. Position. Program: Design and build automated restaurants, then program them to run like well-oiled machines! Do you have a can-do attitude and the know-how to conquer the world of automated restaurants?
    • Challenging Puzzles: Fine tune your mind as you tackle intricate spatial, resource management and scenario puzzles! Not enough hot dogs? You’ll sort it! Kitchens on fire? No problem for a smart human like you!
    • Multiple Brain-Tickling Modes: Take on the campaign levels, traverse your way through the business world in contracts mode, or just go nuts and bolts in the sandbox test mode and play until you get your fill.
    • Endless Charm and Quirky Humor: All delivered in an abundance by our helplessly misguided (robot) human protagonist – Robert Person. Who is definitely a human. Don’t ask questions.
    • Mod Support (Steam): Think you could bring some more pizzazz to the table? GREAT! Step on up to the plate and create your own ingredients, recipes and scenario levels via Steam Workshop!

    Do you love cooking games and want to play more? Check out our most recent news on Cook Serve Delicious! 2 right here.

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  • svgApr 22, 2019Event

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    Our Earth Day list of beautiful games with enamoring environments.

    myPotatoGames finds a certain importance in respecting the holidays, especially one that celebrates the amazing planet on which we currently live. Who knows what our lives might be like where it not for the beautiful rock that we have been given. Many game creators in the past and present have tried to capture that beauty, and display it in ways that amaze and enthrall us. We decided that a great way to celebrate this momentous day is to share a list of our favorite examples of when the outdoors meets the indoors. Happy Earth Day!

    Forza Horizon 4

    Forza Horizon 4

    When it comes to enjoying the environment, there’s nothing like taking a ride down your favorite road! Letting nature pass you by as you take it all in. With the awe-striking graphics, Forza Horizon 4 explores a varied terrain in an exhilarating way. There are many vehicles to choose from, sorted in to categories based on their most easily-handled terrain. From off-roading through some mucky woods to zooming along a snowy mountain side, Forza Horizon 4 has much to offer for any nature enthusiast!

    My Time At Portia

    My Time at Portia

    While not quite as graphically advanced as FH4, many have touted My Time at Portia for the streamlined yet whimsical quality of the environment. With cutesy cows and shreddable shrubs dotting the path, My Time at Portia brings forth a colorful rendition of our world that is simultaneously relaxing and invigorating. There is much to see in the world Portia, and the beautiful art style makes every moment just as scintillating as the last!

    Unravel 2

    Unravel and Unravel 2

    Both Unravel and Unravel 2 contain an art style that creates a whole new view of our world, and is displayed vibrantly throughout the game. You see the world from the eyes of Yarny, a little yarn creature only the size of an apple, and must use your yarn abilities to solve puzzles. You will travel to many gorgeous locales, all expressed from the perspective of something only a few inches tall. The original title, Unravel, was hailed for having “stunning scenery”, and was even able to throw in a protagonist that is just a lovely as the stages it roams!



    Another “extremely” fun way to explore the world in a digital fashion is through the extreme sports genre. There have been many sweet titles in this category, but Steep took it to the next level with not only its graphics, but also some totally tubular gameplay! Explore an open world tailored to the hardcore sports enthusiast, with lots of greenery to dodge and plenty of powder just ripe for the shredding. Matthew Kato of Game Informer mentioned that steep had “one of the most diverse and visually interesting open worlds” in gaming!

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Another visually-striking open world title that we can’t get enough of is the epic RPG, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild! The world comes to life in this diverse installment in the classic series. With monsters that take their form from Gaia itself, there is much to see and do in the land of Hyrule! Like never before, Breath of the Wild breathes vibrant life into the Zelda games, with an insanely expansive geography, similar to our own, but unique where it matters!

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