What Happens On Your Birthday In Animal Crossing: New Horizons - myPotatoGames

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What Happens On Your Birthday In Animal Crossing: New Horizons

A *spoiler alert* for obvious reasons, but we all probably know that cool stuff happens on your birthday in Animal Crossing games. But New Horizons takes the cool factor to the next level. So for those of you who can’t contain your curiosity, here’s what happens on your birthday in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

A Surprise?

Upon leaving your house on your birthday, you will be greeted by an islander (goodness knows how long they’ve been stood there…). The resident is usually the animal who you have formed the closest friendship with. They will lead you to their home, where they have pulled out all the stops and thrown you a surprise party. There will be two other islanders celebrating as well.

Make A Wish!

There will be a birthday cake on a table awaiting you. Your player can a ctually blow out the candles, and will close their eyes whilst doing so, as if they are making a wish.

Birthday Prezzie!

After blowing out the candles, the islander hosting your party will approach you. They have a birthday present for you! This can vary, but you may receive something like birthday candles or a birthday table.


The Piñata!

Your furry friends have really pulled out all the stops! They’ve got a second surprise for you. You will be presented with a star shaped piñata and a stick to whack it with. By approaching it and rapidly pressing the A button you can smash that thing open.

The Prize!

After smashing the piñata open, 8 cupcakes will fall out of it (5 second rule am I right?). This is your second gift. After this, the three residents will sing and dance gleefully until you decide to leave the house.

Share The Love!

If you speak to other islanders afterwards, you can give them a cupcake. In return, they will give you a birthday-themed gift, such as birthday shades. As there aren’t that many birthday-themed items that we know of (as of yet), it may be worth keeping a couple back for yourself. They look cute in your home :3

Alison Rowe

I'm a 21-year-old Journalism with Creative Writing student who likes to: play video games, write stuff, read apocalyptic fiction, and absorb the entirety of Netflix. I can often be found wasting my money on kawaii things, or meowing at cats until they meow back.


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