Take A Virtual Tour Through The Nintendo Store Filled With Animal Crossing Goodness - myPotatoGames

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Take A Virtual Tour Through The Nintendo Store Filled With Animal Crossing Goodness

The latest Nintendo Tokyo Store has been celebrating and overwhelming amount of success. Since we can’t have any of the fun in the west yet, lets take a virtual tour through the Animal Crossing section of the store together!

Visitors from around the world are standing in line ever morning just to enter the new Nintendo Tokyo Store. While this might sound a little crazy once you get to see the adorable merchandise Nintendo offers it begins to make a lot more sense.

Nintendo Tokyo is offering a bunch of Animal Crossing themed items. USB Humidifiers, Sticker packs, sweaters, blankets tote bags and so much more! I want it all!

Nintendo Tokyo Store Virtual Tour

Thanks to YouTube users Meivu we now have a virtual tour where we can indulge in everything we can’t easily have here in the west. Check out the video below!


Animal Crossing Themed Tiny Garden Kit

Check out the Tiny Garden Pals – Animal Crossing Themed Garden Kit, its adorable and currently available in very limited quantities!


myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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    Take A Virtual Tour Through The Nintendo Store Filled With Animal Crossing Goodness