Rumour - A Sneak Peak At Things To Come In ACPC - myPotatoGames

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Rumour – A Sneak Peak At Things To Come In ACPC

During my routine potato-ey browse of social media, I recently came across some unofficially released images that piqued my interest. Upon closer examination of these images, I concluded that they show some of the events and items likely to come to Pocket Camp in the near future. I decided that I just had to share my discovery with my fellow Animal Crossing-Addicted amigos, hence this post! ?

Chevre’s Bath-Themed Cookie?

The first image suggests the arrival of a new bath-themed fortune cookie featuring Chevre.

No photo description available.

‘Knitting-themed’ Fishing Tourney

The next image suggests that there will be a ‘knitting-themed’ fishing tourney with some woolly prizes up for grabs. ‘Wool’ you be participating?

No photo description available.

New Year Gardening Event

This image suggests that Pocket Camp players will be soon be able to participate in a New Year’s themed gardening event.

Image may contain: indoor

New Year’s Clothing Collection

The final image suggests that players may also be getting a new clothing collection. Again with a New Year’s Theme, it’s likely that this collection will also be released imminently.

No photo description available.

N.B. It’s important to note that items featured in this article have not been officially confirmed. Therefore there is no guarantee that they will feature in the game, and items could change in appearance.

Alison Rowe

I'm a 21-year-old Journalism with Creative Writing student who likes to: play video games, write stuff, read apocalyptic fiction, and absorb the entirety of Netflix. I can often be found wasting my money on kawaii things, or meowing at cats until they meow back.


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    Rumour – A Sneak Peak At Things To Come In ACPC