Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama Is Heading To Nintendo Switch - myPotatoGames

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Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama Is Heading To Nintendo Switch

svgAug 3, 2019NewsMax

Cooking Mama was one of the most beloved franchises ever made. With an unprecendeted amount of charm, cute gameplay and adorable graphics fans were extremely sad when the Cooking Mama franchise was put to rest… until now!

The first Cooking Mama game was released in 2006 and the franchise since has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide, making the series a huge success. The franchise has since seen several more games with Cooking Mama Sweet Shop being the last one ever released. After the release of Sweet Shop it was announced that it was the last title in the series.

Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama Features an all new “Vegetarian Mode” where players who don’t want to prepare meals with meat have the choice to use other vegetarian ingredients instead. Players will also be able to use the Switch’s motion controls for an engaging meal preparation and cooking experience.

There has been very little news about the game with some hints to a new multiplayer experience and an in-game reward system for cooking events being the only details revealed so far. We are looking forward to get cooking again this fall – Welcome Home Cooking Mama!


Cooking Mama: Coming Home to Mama is expected to release on Nintendo Switch in fall 2019.

Check out our Cooking Mama: Sweet Shop review for some delicious details about the latest Cooking Mama game.



myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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  • Jesse Lu

    August 4, 2019 / at 10:40 amsvg

    I started watching GameTim on Youtube recreate Cooking Mama recipes and it’s awesome! I can’t wait for this game!

  • SammieLuvBug

    August 4, 2019 / at 3:54 pmsvg

    So excited!!! Cooking Mama was one of my favorite DS games.

  • Totorori

    August 5, 2019 / at 6:27 amsvg

    Cooking Mama is such a sweet game! I’m really excited for the Switch Version! <3

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