Animal Crossing New Horizons Time Travel Without Consequences - myPotatoGames

Now Reading: Animal Crossing New Horizons Time Travel Without Consequences


Animal Crossing New Horizons Time Travel Without Consequences

Since Resetti has retired it seems that time travel in Animal Crossing New Horizons is possible without any consequences at all.

Since Resetti has retired fans were wondering how this may impact time travel. Nintendo has been moving toward making Resetti friendlier and… well less intrusive. In New Horizons he has finally been retired and even though he was a little harsh I like to think he had a good hard behind that hard shell!

Thanks to GameXplain who shared some footage about time traveling it appears changing the clock on your Nintendo Switch, then booting up the game will let you time travel to any date in the game, with no consequences at all.

Time Travel won’t let you farm events

However there is a small cavity, events will be delivered in the form of free updates. Such as the new Bunny Day update that you can already download now if you purchased the digital version of the game.


This means that even though you can time travel as much as you like, you won’t be able to farm all the items from certain special events ahead of everyone else.

More Animal Crossing New Horizons News

With the game only days away you still have time to grab the Tiny Garden Pals, an Animal Crossing themed gardening kit is back in stock! It comes with everything you need to grow a Japanese Succulent or vibrant green Bermuda Grass!

tiny garden pals


myPotatoGames was founded out of our huge love for Animal Crossing, besides spending a lot of time taking care of my virtual village I enjoy painting, creating things or looking up funny and cute dog pictures on the internet. My preferred office location is somewhere on a remote island, in the middle of the South Pacific.


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